

Hello, I'm Kibbi! Welcome to my website. This is where I store all random things that might be useful. I hope you find something of interest here. I'm not special in any way and probably don't deserve a wholeass website about me, but what are you gonna do about it?

Who am I?

A stamp of the Polish flag A stamp of the bigender flag

Well, besides Kibbi, I also go by Rod. I was unfortunately born in Poland on April 8th. I am a part of the LGBT, yippee! I'm an artist, gamer, huge data hoarder and a friend to everyone :)

Who's that character on the top?

A stamp of the Polish flag

That's my mascot! Also known as Hoshi. Shocker, huh? She's a scrimblo bimblo gremlin idiot and I draw her too much. She also has a slime form (Slimeshi), since she was originally a slime person thing. Hoshi herself is now a shapeshifter of sorts, while Slimeshi is a separate character that actually looks like a slime.
Wow, take a shot everytime you read the word slime lmao

The image links to her ToyHouse page if you wanna see more of her.

Random facts

  • ➤ I collect soda cans and I'm addicted to Coca Cola
  • ➤ I've been coding since I was 10! Started with Scratch, then moved on to HTML/CSS, Python and now I'm learning C++. I only remember HTML and C++ though.
  • ➤ Speaking of languages, I speak Polish and English. I also know a large portion of Spanish and I'm currently learning German.

heres some weird stamps i found on deviantArt

Stevie Griffin stamp 'Alpha & Omega fan' stamp Stamp that says 'straight people dont exist' Bubonic pride stamp

All art has been made by me. Coded on Replit, 2022.